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Please use this 'Contact Us' information form to reach us about arranging a photo shoot or any queries that you have to do with the modding scene.
If you live in Edinburgh or can get to Edinburgh, contact us a.s.a.p.  We can also arrange to meet people outside Edinburgh if you can't come all the way.
We look forward to hearing from you.
p.s.  If you want to send your own photos and tec-spec to us, feel free.  Details on how to do this are at the bottom of this page.

First name:
Last name:
Email address:

If you wish to send your photos via e-mail attachments, please send them to:  modifiedmetal@hotmail.com.  If you do choose to send your own photos the smallest size we can except is 10cm x 7.5cm.  Please send 5 different angles of the car + one of you sitting in the car.  Click on the web address above to open email box.  Cheers Modified Metal Team.
(If it isn't working and you need further assistance please send us an email through your default mail account or if you use MSN Messenger we use that as well.  We are on betweeen 9 - 11pm most nights).
All photo e-mails MUST have Tech Spec included otherwise they will not be posted on the site!
The Tech Spec must include: Make and Model of the car, Engine, Rims, Exhaust, Suspension, Brakes and Bodystyling.  Anything inside the car e.g. Sound System is optional.