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You have now entered "Modified Metal". Edinburgh's newest modified car website.
At 'Modified Metal' we hope to bring you the best pictures and info on the hottest modified cars Edinburgh has to offer.
The website will be updated regularly to ensure you will not be dissapointed by logging back on to us again to find the same old stuff time after time, unlike other modified car websites.

Just A Little Run-A-Round He Says!!
Check Out His Story On 'J's Escort' Page.

We have a various selection of pages for you to browse through here at 'Modified Metal'.
We are proud of our 'Modified Metal Gallery Heaven' where we bring you all types of modified cars.
(If you are interested in having your pride and joy featured on our website get in touch with us straight away by e-mail.  Details on how to do this are on our 'Contact Us' page).
We also have a monthly poll where we will set you a topic for debate where you can vote to see what the majorities opinions are.



Don't forget to check out our guestbook where you can post your opinions and thoughts about what you would like to see on this website in future and also what you think about our feature cars.



Important Notice:
Modified Metal does not endorse, condone or promote street racing or any other illegal activities which could cause injury or death to the active parties involved or innocent bystanders.

Site created by Calum Anson & Keith Armour, May 2004
All rights reserved
© 2oo4 - 2oo5 Calum Anson & Keith Armour
t/a Modified Metal
Except where otherwise noted
Modified Metal is the registered trading style of the above named and all rights to its use are reserved.  It should not be used by any other company, organisation, trading enterprise, partnership or individual without the express prior permission of Calum Anson and/or Keith Armour and then only with full acknowledgement.  The intelectual rights of the creators will be protected.